Snow Canyon State Park, Utah

We’ve driven by Snow Canyon State Park countless times while driving through Utah. Over New Years we finally took the time to stop and explore.

Temperatures were around 22°, so we decided to hike just a short 3 mile loop.

The sun was rising just as we arrived at the park.

Hiking straight into the petrified sand dunes.

Butterfly rock.

On the way down from the summit we spotted the lava tunnels.

The view from inside the lava tunnel.

Sun rising.

Small ice patches on the trails made some nice textures.

Another panoramic view from the east side of the valley.

This was an extremely volcanic area so there was a lot of black rock in the park.

We had to navigate this incredibly textured terrain by following little half dome markers.

Every hill we climbed opened up new and unique views.

It was hard to figure out where to look, there was so much going on in the rocks.

One last look.

This was a short, easy hike, but as always took longer than anticipated because it was such a beautiful place to explore. We also had to hit the road for the long, congested drive back to LA.